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Jess is on the hunt for the murderous Theo Connor. He leaves Wooster, Texas, and heads to Henryville, where Connor was last seen. Along the way, Jess runs into the infamous gunslinger, Cheyenne.

When Jess arrives in Henryville, Connor is not there, but Cheyenne is. When Jess checks in at the telegraph office, he sees a threatening message regarding Cheyenne from Slim Cordell, a ruthless killer who has never yet been caught. It seems Cordell wants Cheyenne dead.

Jess convinces Cheyenne to ride with him until they can find out where Cordell and his gang of thugs are. He finally catches up to Connor in the town of Ruben and Jess kills him. Before it’s over though, six other outlaws lie dead at the hands of Jess and Cheyenne.

The twosome head to Barstow next, where one of Cordell’s men attempts to kill Cheyenne from a distance. Jess, not one to run, sets up an ambush for Cordell and his men. He ends up killing one of them, turning the tables on Cordell and his gang.

But Cordell is not one to give up easily. He wants Cheyenne dead more than he wants to live, which makes him a very dangerous man.



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Jess is on the hunt for August Wesson, but before he finally tracks him down, Wesson hangs a man. Even worse, he does it in front of his wife, Mindy, and her two young children, Roger Junior and Betsie.

After meeting Mindy and her two children, Jess continues his hunt for the killer, more determined than ever to bring Wesson to justice.

A bounty hunter new to the trade, Chakits Krulsawat, shows up at Mindy’s cabin, also looking for Wesson. Krulsawat is in the business for the money, wanting to become rich and retire early, but Jess keeps getting in his way, frustrating the new man in the business.

Chakits finally brings in a high-bounty target, alive, to stand trial. But then things go south and the new bounty hunter is faced with a tough decision.

Alive…or dead?

Left For Dead

Left For Dead

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After leaving the town of Woodward, Texas, and his secret sister, Beth Sloan, Jess is back on the hunt for Arnie Boseman, who has continued to escape his grasp.

His hunt takes him to Webster, Texas, but he misses Boseman once more, and the killer has resumed his killing spree yet again.

While in Webster, the Texas Ranger whose wife was Arnie Boseman’s first kill shows up in town. He gives Jess no choice but to let him join the hunt. The Ranger, Terrance Whittle, is so grief-stricken that he becomes erratic, putting both their lives in danger.

Jess has to continue the hunt for Boseman, and at the same time keep the Ranger from doing something he’ll regret later. After finally sending Arnie Boseman to his grave, Jess receives a message from United States Marshal Frank Reedy. John Bodine was expected back in Stratton after helping Jess in Woodward but never showed up.

Jess drops everything he’s doing and follows his back trail. He finds Bodine, who had been ambushed and left for dead but now John can’t remember anything.

Jess hunts for the men he thinks are responsible with the help of the wolf named Shadow.

The Promise

The Promise

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Jess leaves Hartfield, Texas, on the hunt for Whitey Mugler. After dispatching him to his grave, he finds himself in Campbell, Texas.

While there, he sees two Texas Rangers transporting a vicious murderer named Arnie Boseman to his hanging in Austin, Texas. They leave Campbell and Jess follows the same trail the Rangers were on with their prisoner.

He finds the camp they used. The two Rangers have been murdered. Jess begins his chase for the killer, Arnie Boseman, but the hunt proves difficult.

After missing him several times, with Boseman leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, Jess receives an urgent message from his half-sister, Beth Sloan, in Woodward, Texas.

He breaks off his hunt for Boseman and heads directly to Woodward and his secret sister, Beth.

The Border

The Border

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Jess is hunting the dangerous killer, Murry Lander, which takes him to Hillsboro, Texas. When he arrives, he discovers that two men have just gunned down the town mayor.

He tracks the two killers to the town of Mason and discovers that Lander has also been there. Meanwhile, another bounty hunter shows up looking for Lander.

A young girl named Sissy arrives on the stagecoach. Jess finds himself saddled with her and her quest to find her brother. If that isn’t enough to deal with, he ends up helping another woman, Marybeth, who has been held against her will for years.

He feels obligated to help Sissy find her brother and help Marybeth find a new life, but there’s a chance he might have to kill Sissy’s brother when he finds him.