Jess discovers that Wildcat has been hunted and wounded by the vicious Eastwood gang. She sends a wire message asking for his help along with John Bodine’s. Jess drops what he’s doing and rides directly to Stratton, Texas, to pick up Bodine before heading to Hadley, Texas, where Wildcat is secretly holed up in a hotel.
The huge timber wolf, Shadow, is still with Jess when he reaches Stratton. The next morning, Jess, Bodine and Shadow head for Hadley to help Wildcat.
When they begin their hunt for the Eastwood gang, they discover that the killers have ridden out in three different directions.
The three of them, along with the help of the wolf, work together on one of the longest manhunts to track down every one of the Eastwood gang and put them where they belong… in the grave.
Posted In: New Release
Tags: Long Hunt