Return of the Wolf

Return of the Wolf

Coming to Print Soon!

Jess heads to the town of McFadden in search of the killer Tom Winston. When he finally kills Winston, he takes the body to the town of Sulphur Springs to turn in to the law.

When he arrives, he discovers that the town Marshall, Ron Wagner, had been knocked out during a jailbreak. Sam Cartwright, a vicious killer, escaped with the help of his old partner, Burt Clark.

Wagner and Jess leave Sulphur Springs on the hunt for Clark and Cartwright, but when they do, they find that they also have the huge timber wolf, Shadow, joining them.

They finally catch Clark and Cartwright. Jess kills Cartwright and they take Clark back to Sulphur Springs to await trial.
Jess and Shadow leave Sulphur Springs and head to the town of Crafton in search of another killer by the name of Butch Russell.
Along the way he finds a family who were travelling in a covered wagon. The mother and father were murdered in the front seat. Shadow finds the daughter out in the field. She had been shot and left for dead.

They stay at the wagon long enough for the daughter, Dana, to be able to travel to Crafton to see a doctor.

Jess ends up taking her with him on the hunt for the two killers who murdered her parents and left her for dead.

Posted In: New Release
